By Bruno Auger

It’s difficult to get more dynamic with your marketing than with the multimedia approach; and there’s still no more powerful multimedia marketing method than the use of videos.

Using online videos for marketing is getting better and more effective all the time, as the means of producing them cheaply become ever more advanced and thus professional-seeming, as more and more video content sites like Video Jug and YouTube rise and get bigger and receive more traffickers, and as more people who are multitasking or mobile turn to media that require less reading.

Putting together a video with cheap digital camera techniques, or even somewhat more expensive digital equipment, has become something accessible to “Everyman” now. You can embed video into your e-newsletters and business e-mails. You can place them at your website and your blog to make those sites more attractive and dynamic and place links back to them in forums that talk of content relevant to your business. But most importantly, you can post your videos at content sites like Associated Content and free video sites like those mentioned above and get yourself some massive amounts of traffic.

Video marketing online is successful when you do three things with it.

First of all, you have to be persistent and constant. Don’t make just one video or two and expect that to generate massive amounts of sales for you. You want to establish yourself as a video presence, as a source of videos that people come back to again and again. You also need to get every single one of your videos uploaded at as many different sites as you can. Research these sites on the Internet and you’ll find a wide array of them. You have to make sure that a particular site doesn’t demand exclusivity or copyrights to the video, however, unless you create a video that you believe fits in extremely well with that site.

Secondly, make your videos stand out. One of the drawbacks of the advent of video marketing online is that everyone’s doing it and that by its nature waters down the quality and starts making everything look and sound alike. Look at other videos by other people in your market, pick a few examples that you think stand out and grab you, and deliberately go against the rest of the crowd while modeling your own videos on those that you like. Remember you’ll want to be more informative than your competitors, or funnier, or sexier, or all of those together. Just make sure you put a lot of creative effort into these short productions. Your writing and, if you’re in it, your performance have to be top of the line.

Finally, make sure you give your videos excellent tags. You can find sites online that list the latest hot keywords and keyword phrases. Pick those that most closely relate to your marketing niche and tag your videos with them. In fact, you may want to do this part first, and then create a video that is based on one or more of these keywords/phrases.

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